Kurssialueelle liittyminen

Start your journey to mastering the Japanese language in this beginner level Japanese course! 

This course is suitable for beginners with no previous Japanese language studies. During this course, we will go through the basics of the Japanese language. We’ll start with an overview of the Japanese writing system, and together go over effective learning methods for memorizing hiragana and katakana phonetic writing systems, and how to both read and write them, by hand and digitally with your PC.

You will also learn basic vocabulary used in common day-to-day situations such as greetings, question and request phrases, thanking and apologizing, introducing yourself and others, numbers, and basic writing challenges such as filling out forms. Alongside said topics we’ll also go over starter-level Japanese grammar, such as commonly used particles and conjugations (wa, ka, no, mo, ni, kara, to, copula, and state of being declarations), and if time allows, look into basics of kanji.

Lessons on Zoom on Tuesdays at 6.00-7.30 pm (autumn term 2024).

More info and enrolment at www.ilmonet.fi
