Enrolment options

This conversation class will expand your vocabulary, enabling you greater flexibility when navigating various challenging situations in English. Come join our American teacher as he facilitates discussions and implements interactive activities where you’ll broaden your language and communication skills. 

Participants in this course will be encouraged to share their experiences and propose their own subjects of interest for conversation. This will help foster a collaborative and inquisitive atmosphere between the class participants. 

This is a so-called hybrid course, which means that participants can join the live lessons either in the classroom or online. 

Tämä kurssi on hybridiopetuskurssi. Kurssi järjestetään sekä luokassa että verkossa Zoom -ympäristössä. Opetus on reaaliaikaista. Opetusta ei tallenneta.

Teaching on Wed 19:10 - 20:40, classroom teaching in Tapiola (Itätuulenpiha 1).

Lisätiedot ja ilmoittautuminen Ilmonetissä.
