- Opettaja
Tarja Hentilä
- Opettaja
Minna Salakari

- Opettaja
Amanda Pirilä

- Opettaja
Johanna Jäppinen
- Opettaja
Niina Ristimäki

- Opettaja
Kati Saarinen
Verkko-opinnot täydentävät lähiopetusta hyvinvoinnin ja liikkumisen kurssikokonaisuudessa.

Tervetuloa harjoittelemaan yhteisiä aineita. Welcome to practice common subjects.
Jokaisen osion alussa Sandra kertoo sinulle videolla, mitä osioissa tehdään. At the beginning of each section, Sandra tells you in a video what will be done in the sections.

- Opettaja
Lea Repo
- Opettaja
Timo Kortelainen
This is an obligatory English course of 1 competence point. The course begins on Thursday the 11th of January and it ends on Thursday the 7th of March, 2024. The classes take place on Thursday mornings from 9am to 10.45am. No exam at the end of the course but the assignments you've submitted during the course will be assessed.
The aim of the course and assessment criteria are listed below.
Teacher Contact Information
040 1267447
The aim of the course is to:
- searches for the foreign-language information required in their activities from different sources
- assesses and selects information based on how appropriate, reliable and up to date it is
- needs help in routine situations from time to time
- acts appropriately in familiar interactive situations
- knows some basic concepts and information of the subfield
- uses basic knowledge in an inflexible way
- assesses their performance
- mainly acts independently in routine situations
- acts collaboratively in familiar interactive situations
- knows the key concepts and information of the subfield
- uses basic knowledge appropriately
- assesses their performance and recognises their strengths and development areas
- acts independently in routine situations
- acts collaboratively in usual interactive situations
- solves usual problem situations
- masters the key concepts and information of the subfield
- uses knowledge diversely
- assesses their performance and suggests ways to develop their activities
- acts independently in routine and varying situations
- acts collaboratively and constructively in usual interactive situations
- solves problem situations using diverse methods
- masters the concepts and information of the subfield and recognises special features related to it
- applies knowledge diversely and with justifications
- assesses their performance realistically and recognises their strengths and development areas
- acts independently and systematically in routine and varying situations
- acts collaboratively and constructively in varying interactive situations
- solves problem situations in diverse ways and makes development proposals
- masters the concepts and information of the subfield broadly and in depth
- applies knowledge diversely, in a justified and critical manner
- assesses their performance realistically and suggests justified solutions to develop their competence

- Opettaja
Amanda Pirilä
- Opettaja
Minna Salakari
- manages oral interactive situations
- produces messages needed in interaction
- discusses their work tasks
- produces texts related to their vocational field
- interprets texts related to their vocational field
- assesses and develops their language proficiency
- knows how the language and culture they are studying affect interactive situations
- communicates in a multilingual and multicultural environment
- encounters people on an equal basis and with appreciation

- Opettaja
Satu Ranta